Dharma Teachings
佛教是伦理性的宗教,其宣扬的五戒、十善、四摄、六度、八正道等思想有着丰富的伦理色彩。佛教的善恶观、慈悲观、人 生观、缘起观等,对净化人心,构建和谐社会,维护世界和平与发展 都具有重要的现实启示。
read moreThe Benefits of Taking Refuge
From ancient times to the present, the taking of refuge has functioned as the entranceway to the teaching of the Buddha.
read moreWhat is Buddha-nature?
In Buddhism, the ultimate goal is to attain liberation and become a Buddha. The topic of “Buddha-nature” deals with whether one could become a Buddha, and is hence considered one of the most crucial concepts in Buddhism.
read moreHow the Discourse of Loving-kindness or Metta Sutta Came about
The historical background which led Buddha to expound the Karaniya Metta Sutta is explained in the commentary written by Acariya Buddhaghosa.
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