Introduction 简介

Do you yearn for a life of selfless service to the Triple Gem and all other living beings?
Do you seek a life of self-cultivation and self-liberation for greater enlightenment?
According to the Vimalakirti Sutra, the process of cultivating the unsurpassed Bodhi mind is considered equivalent to embracing monastic life. The “unsurpassed Bodhi mind” represents the aspiration to attain Buddhahood for oneself while actively working to guide and benefit all sentient beings. The significance of ordination extends beyond mere physical separation from the secular world; it delves into deeper meaning, involving the renunciation of inner afflictions such as ignorance and delusion. It emphasizes letting go of attachments to the concepts of self, others, and all phenomena, as well as breaking free from habitual afflictions like greed, anger, and ignorance. Furthermore, ordination signifies transcending the karmic causes and suffering that perpetuate the cycle of rebirth while upholding the teachings of the Tathagata and contributing to the well-being of sentient beings.
Join the monastic order on a journey designed to support the path to awakening. Under the guidance of the Dharma, you will strive not just for individual spiritual development but also to use the knowledge and experience of the Dharma to guide others.
If you are ready to embark on your path to awakening, we welcome you to join our monastic order.
想借由佛教僧格的培养, 开启生命的自性之光, 实践弘法利生的理念?
所谓人成即佛成,真正的修持,应从行住坐卧中表现戒、定、慧;从语默动静中熄灭贪、嗔、痴。 出家的真义是以弘法为家务, 以利生为事业。
“Seclusion is bliss for the contented,
Who sees the Teaching that they have learned.
Kindness to the world is happiness,
For one who’s harmless to living beings.
Dispassion for the world is happiness,
For one who overcomes sensuality.
But removing the conceit ‘I am’,
This, indeed, is the highest bliss.”
~ The account with the powderpuff Tree
– Mahākhandhaka (Vinaya Piṭaka)