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佛教是伦理性的宗教,其宣扬的五戒、十善、四摄、六度、八正道等思想有着丰富的伦理色彩。佛教的善恶观、慈悲观、人 生观、缘起观等,对净化人心,构建和谐社会,维护世界和平与发展 都具有重要的现实启示。




没有人会满足于本可改善的不理想现状,所以我们应努力寻找一个更好的方法,要用 行动去改善事物,而不是望洋空悲叹,一味表示不满。如果你有过于要求完美的心理趋向,应当尽快调整。

New Release

February 19 : A Clean, Clear Mind

If through the influence of disturbing emotions, you point out the faults of another Bodhisattva, you are diminished, so do not mention the faults of those who have entered the Great Vehicle. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

February 20 : Relying on the Kindness of Others

Reward and respect cause us to quarrel and make hearing, thinking, and meditating decline. For this reason, give up attachment to the households of friends, relations, and benefactors. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

February 21 : The Power of Speech

Harsh words disturb the minds of others and cause deterioration in a Bodhisattva’s conduct. Therefore, give up harsh words which are unpleasant to others. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

February 22 : Training our Mental Muscles

Habitual disturbing emotions are hard to stop through counteractions. Armed with antidotes, the guards of mindfulness and mental alertness destroy disturbing emotions like attachment as soon as they arise. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

January 17 : Keeping the Dharma in Our Heart

Someone wrote to me once to tell me about a very hard time she had gone through over the last year or two. She said her mind had been quite angry and now she could see that she had projected so much onto the people around her. But…

February 18 : Examining Our Own Errors

If you do not examine your errors, you may look like a practitioner but not act as one. Therefore, always examine your errors, and rid yourself of them. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

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