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哪里是净土? 我一直以为只要心灵清洁,就拥有自己的净土。我并不是佛教徒,但一度为此沾沾自喜, 认为自己具有的悟性、境界和对佛法的理解比普通人高,和平常人说话时也不知不觉中抬高了姿态。然而去年夏天的一次无意阅读却仿佛一声惊雷,将我轰醒。

Cherish What You Have Instead of Envying Others

Regardless of whether we are running 100 metres or a marathon or whether we are leading or lagging in the race, our focus should not be on winning or losing it, but on giving our utmost to complete the journey.

Meditating on the Body

Desire is one of the greatest hindrances to our spiritual development, and also to our happiness in the here-and-now. We have so much wonderful potential: to be peaceful, happy, relaxed and have a loving and satisfying relationships with others.



Failure should be experienced early when young

Regardless of whether we are running 100 metres or a marathon or whether we are leading or lagging in the race, our focus should not be on winning or losing it, but on giving our utmost to complete the journey.



New Release

December 26 : Think for Yourself

You need to learn to think for yourself, which is quite important when you are in the Dharma. You learn from and listen to your teachers, but you think for yourself. Especially if it is a Dharma point, you should think, “Is this true or is this not true?” If…

December 27 : Reflection

Reflect for a minute about the kindness of others, the kindness not only of friends and family but also of strangers who work in society and whose work helps us. Reflect on the benefit of people who challenge us because they make us discover resources within…

December 28 : Pleasing People vs. Having Compassion

There is a big difference between pleasing people and having compassion for them. We often get these things very confused and think that if we have compassion for somebody, then our job is to make them happy. When we are trying to please people because…

December 23 : Things Exist on the Level of Appearance

Everything seems so solid and real to us most of the time. We feel we are solid and real, as well as all the people we deal with and the situations and environments we find ourselves in. Yesterday probably seemed solid and real when…

December 24 : Positive and Negative Feedback

How do we reinforce positive behaviour in others? We can either praise the action or the person, or both. I think it is good if we do both, so the other person knows what they did that you are approving of and can internalise the action as part of…

December 25 : Karmic Bubbles

Generally, we feel like solid people. There is a real me here. But if you look at it from the viewpoint of multiple lives and the mind and body having a different continuum, then we begin to see that what we are is just kind of a karmic bubble, not…

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