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哪里是净土? 我一直以为只要心灵清洁,就拥有自己的净土。我并不是佛教徒,但一度为此沾沾自喜, 认为自己具有的悟性、境界和对佛法的理解比普通人高,和平常人说话时也不知不觉中抬高了姿态。然而去年夏天的一次无意阅读却仿佛一声惊雷,将我轰醒。

Cherish What You Have Instead of Envying Others

Regardless of whether we are running 100 metres or a marathon or whether we are leading or lagging in the race, our focus should not be on winning or losing it, but on giving our utmost to complete the journey.

Meditating on the Body

Desire is one of the greatest hindrances to our spiritual development, and also to our happiness in the here-and-now. We have so much wonderful potential: to be peaceful, happy, relaxed and have a loving and satisfying relationships with others.



Failure should be experienced early when young

Regardless of whether we are running 100 metres or a marathon or whether we are leading or lagging in the race, our focus should not be on winning or losing it, but on giving our utmost to complete the journey.



New Release

January 24 : A Qualified Spiritual Mentor

When you rely on them your faults come to an end and your good qualities grow like the waxing moon. Cherish spiritual teachers even more than your own body. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

January 25 : Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels

Bound himself in the jail of cyclic existence, what worldly god can give you protection? Therefore, when you seek refuge, take refuge in the Three Jewels which will not betray you. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 


January 26 : Waking Up to Karma

The Subduer said that all the unbearable suffering of bad rebirths is the fruit of wrongdoing. Therefore, even at the cost of your life, never do wrong. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 


January 27 : Broadening our Spectrum of Aspiration

Like dew on the tip of a blade of grass, pleasures of the three worlds last only a while and then vanish. Aspire to the never-changing supreme state of liberation. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

January 28 : Kind Mother Sentient Beings

When your mothers, who have loved you since time without beginning, are suffering, what use is your happiness? Therefore, to free limitless living beings, develop the altruistic intention. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

January 29 : Taking and Giving

All suffering comes from the wish for your own happiness. Perfect Buddhas are born from the thought to help others. Therefore, exchange your happiness for the suffering of others. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

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