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Knowing and Celebrating Vesak

As we immerse ourselves in the grand festivities this Vesak Day, let us commemorate Shakyamuni Buddha and remember his noble spirit and great achievements.




当你害怕痛苦就越痛苦,害怕痛苦的程度与你承受痛苦的程度成正比例;所以, 在面对痛苦时,就要接受痛苦,品尝痛苦,并学习好好地“看着”它,痛苦慢慢就会减弱,就会渐渐消解,成为过去。

New Release

February 28 : Happiness from Within

We should look at some of our wrong conceptions, the various levels of our wrong conceptions, our expectations, and our rules of the universe. One of the misconceptions where we get really stuck is to believe things that by their very…

March 1 : A Kind Heart

Each day, the most important thing for us to do is to develop a kind heart. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has pointed out that people of all religious faiths share this aspiration along with compassion and ethical conduct. Even some people who are not…

February 24 : Many Ways to Dedicate the Merit

To remove the suffering of limitless beings, understanding the purity of the three spheres, dedicate the virtue from making such effort to awakening. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

February 25 : Importance of Aspirations

The practice of making aspirations is very important in life; it is a Bodhisattva practice. Bodhisattvas aspire to do impossible things, but the force of making the aspiration puts their mind in the right direction. If we do not have an aspiration, we will not…

February 26 : Rainy Day Reactions

On rainy days, we usually react with all our likes, dislikes and other opinions about the rain. A different perspective that will increase our Dharma wisdom is to see rain as a conditioned thing, as a compounded product of causes that will…

February 27 : Anger

Attachment is exaggerating the good qualities of someone or something and then holding on to it: “I want this! I need it! I must have it! It’s the source of my happiness–forever!” 

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