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Knowing and Celebrating Vesak

As we immerse ourselves in the grand festivities this Vesak Day, let us commemorate Shakyamuni Buddha and remember his noble spirit and great achievements.




当你害怕痛苦就越痛苦,害怕痛苦的程度与你承受痛苦的程度成正比例;所以, 在面对痛苦时,就要接受痛苦,品尝痛苦,并学习好好地“看着”它,痛苦慢慢就会减弱,就会渐渐消解,成为过去。

New Release

December 17 : Damaging Effects of Anger

When we get angry, or when we generate wrong views, we obliterate all the merit and goodness we have worked so hard to put into our consciousness. Even if we have previously dedicated the merit from our good deeds, we get two main results from…

December 18 : Loosen Your Clinging

Most people do not grasp trying to keep the body until they get old, sick and are moving towards death. When you are young, your body is fun. Until it is not. There are lots of people who get sick when they are young. The pain that the body can…

December 19 : Commitment to Kindness

Every morning it is important to reaffirm our commitment to kindness. Our teachers remind us of this again and again, because the afflictions are powerful and our mind is easily swept away by them. It is important on a regular basis to…

December 20 : Crawling Out of Holes

Sometimes in our practice we dig ourselves into a nice, deep hole. We sit in it and say, “The world is falling apart, something is wrong with it, something is wrong with me, the whole thing is just useless.” We can stay in that hole for quite a…

December 15 : Rejoicing in Taking Precepts

It is good to rejoice in taking precepts. There are many benefits from taking them and living in the precepts. What we often do not realise is that just having the opportunity to take precepts requires a great deal of merit. Just to have that opportunity to…

December 16 : Kind Mother Sentient Beings

When my mother passed away, I reflected on how I still had the opportunity to benefit all my mothers from previous lives. The mother of this life has been especially kind by giving us our body, changing our diapers, teaching us to…

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